Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Little Friend

Little Friend, Little Friend, what are you doing?
–flying around making such a ruckus and commotion.
your little wings make tiny pops as you collide
with the glass that will always keep me confined.

Little Friend, Little Friend, where are you going?
–do you not love me? I promise to love you forever and keep you warm.
Do not go outside, where it is ugly and will cause you harm!
Where cold will devour you,
encase you,
and squander you.

Little Friend, Little Friend, it is okay.
–I will not force you to stay.
Your wings have taken their final crack,
and have left the glass with a final pop.

Little Friend, Little Friend, you are already gone
–but, I hope you visit often instead of none.
I will miss your red shell,
and await your appearance in Spring.

For my ladybug friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is very nice. You write good, yes?