Where? Fine Line Cafe
Who? Rogue Wave and Guests
Time? 8
Doors did not open until 8, actually, and music did not start til 9. We were there, at my request and pestering, by 7:20 and no one was there. I was making sure we were there to get a good spot, based on past concerts. Well, we were the first ones there, and I was shocked. We waited outside singing Permalight
in an attempt to get Train's Hey, Soul Sister trash out of our heads. After awhile, another couple came from Iowa and we chatted with them for awhile before who should come a walking down the street, but Pat Spurgeon, the drummer for Rogue Wave. We chatted briefly and took a quick picture before he scampered back inside.

We sat around listening to music provided by The Current for awhile, before JBM started playing at 8. Although I was not familiar with his work, he sounded like a mix between Fleet Foxes and James Taylor. Very chill. His set was not very long, though. I wish he would have played more.
Next up was Man/Miracle. This band is one of the reason I go to concerts. The passion and energy that came out of these guys was incredible. Each member got into their songs and rocked out. In turn, we rocked out, too. I would have been pleased with just these two acts. But then came Rogue Wave.
Let me add also, that I started out standing behind a rather tall woman, who basically was standing there not getting into the music at all. Center stage, just standing there. If the music was not terrific, I would have been sobbing. Right before Rogue Wave got into their set, I squeezed myself between this tall woman and the stage. Right up in front between Pat and Zach. My soul was about to get rocked.
Remember a few months ago when Permalight was one of my most anticipated albums of 2010? Well, it was for good reason. Between Zach Rogue's vocals and the band's sound, you are airlifted into a car, driving down highway 5, with the windows down on a July summer day. Might be my favorite Rogue Wave album.

Most of the songs played were off of Permalight, but they played a few oldies and favorites including Lake Michigan, Chicago x12, and Eyes. I loved all the songs they chose. I thoroughly rocked out. Especially the ending because Man/Miracle returned and every member began beating a drum.

After the concert, I jumped on stage, and snagged the setlist. We then made our way over to Pat, who was just chilling by the side of the stage, and we were greeted with hugs. It was surreal. Pat gave us a drumstick, signed my setlist, then went to talk to someone else. After standing around, wondering if we would get to speak to Zach, we started talking to the bassist, who oddly looked a lot like Kid Rock. He apparently had not been in Rogue Wave for very long, but was interested in how long we had been fans of the band. He signed my setlist, then left us to wait for Zach. We chatted with a few of the member of Miracle/Man, while waiting, on everything from the concert to how "sleepy" St. Paul was. We snagged a few pictures more pictures, too.

Then, finally, Zach came out. It was the strangest feeling ever, talking to the lead singer of Rogue Wave. It was almost like I already knew him from years of listening to Rogue Wave. He was such a sweet guy and talked to us for awhile. Our conversation was interrupted a lot by rude fans who apparently did not know how to wait their turn, though.

We made our way to leave, but ended up talking to even more members of Man/Miracle. They made comments about how great of fans we were because were rocking out while everyone else in the crowd was just standing and being motionless. It was not hard, honestly, they were a great band. The lead singer gave us a signed copy of their album because we admitted that we had never heard of them before the concert. Now it is nothing but happy listening. Check them out if you have a chance.

Thanks to Carrie for all these pictures!
1 comment:
I am so jealous of your "concerting." You need to take me to awesome shows this summer. :) I'm glad you got to meet everyone!!
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