Hello, hello (said just the way the Urban's would say it),
This summer is not the way I envisioned it: sun shining down, driving with the windows down, blasting the Beach Boys. No, its been grey, cold, rainy and I have been listening to slower, chill music like Rogue Wave. Which is not that terrible, but it's the summer which means BEACH BOYS!
Yes!So, no Beach Boys, yet, but here is a playlist for a grey, rainy June day.
1. Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons.
A favorite in the state of Minnesota; we love this band more than any other State. Mainly teens, but hey, who's to say they do not understand the passion and pain behind Mumford's voice as he sings, "but it was not your fault but mine and it was your heart on the line. I really f****d it up this time didn't I, my dear?" Also, I do love the banjo. One of my favorite instruments.
2. Rough Gem - Islands.
An oldie by now-a-day standards. It is not auto tuned, but it is indie. I will not understand the popularity of auto tuning. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. It gives the feel of being underwater in a submarine (a yellow one, perhaps?) and with the constant rain, it is an appropriate song.
3. Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
My father will disagree with me, but I do like Lou Reed regardless of what anyone says. The vocals are not perfect, but the emotion is there, but then again, all of his songs are full of that. But, the speed and emotion of this song are exactly how my brain feels as it sinks into an instant state of depression when I look outside and see huge drops falling from the sky everyday.
4. You - Rogue Wave
When I listen to Rogue Wave, regardless of the weather, my mind and body is in a state of peace and complete happiness. Descend Like Vultures is one of my favorite albums. Ever. Enough said, right? They will take away the sadness of the rain without a doubt. Also add "California" to this play list for the phrase, "Screw California." Yes, but only because we have been waiting for the warmth that Cali has, but Minnesota is still waiting!
5. Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Everyone needs a smile and Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros deliver that. The country style of this song is enough where it does not make you want to vomit and has that nostalgic feel of a time before rockabilly was even a term.
6. Coliseum - Ice Palace
Naturally I love bands that have "Ice" in their title. It is one of my favorite things, you know. I also love Ice Palace. The mixture of backup vocals, guitar and trumpet are like a mixture of perfection. They oddly sound a bit like Modest Mouse to me, which might be another level of love I will admit...another time. July 14, to be exact. :)
7. Hot Sprawl - Man/Miracle
I cannot help but picture their precious little faces up on the stage at the Fine Line from April when I listen to this album. I have to admit, they are way better live. You cannot hear the intensity, passion and love spewing from their instruments and voices. But, this is the closest thing you can get from this Oakland band. I will take it over nothing.
8. The Traitor - Sea Wolf
Well, we all knew this was inevitable. Sea Wolf's vocals will shout from every speaker I own and the more people I convert, the more speakers they will be blasted from, the better. The guitar solo and orchestra in this song is soul and mind blowing. Oh, my soul. It makes driving in the rain so enjoyable, almost a grand privilege.
9. Black Mirror - Arcade Fire
Very Dark. It should be played in the Deathly Hallows whenever Voldemort or a Death Eater come onto screen. On a dark-songs marathon, I expect the next song to be Take A Bow by Muse. Similar yet different, of course.
10. Black Keys - Only One
Slightly more happy than Arcade Fire, Only One is the kind of song that is played during scenes in movies where two very chill dudes drive down a road on a sunny day in California with the windows down. It works for the same purposes here, except minus the sun and windows down. It is a chill song through and through. Perfect driving song.
more: Sufjan Stevens - California (so beautiful), Phantogram - Mouth Full of Diamonds (perfect song for driving regardless of weather), Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye (another perfect driving song), Cannibal Resource - Dirty Projectors, This Too Shall Pass - OK GO (Ok, so the rain will pass, just like everything else. There is hope), Breaking the Girl - RHCP, A Cloud Story - Dark Dark Dark, Promises - The Morning Benders (harmonies are SICK).