Friday, March 12, 2010

Chill Friday

Sometimes when you discover something beautiful it makes you so incredibly happy and peaceful. It's an amazing feeling, perhaps something like that of the atmosphere after Jesus was born (perhaps a tad blasphemous), but that feeling has swept away my mind into an endless ocean of contentment for I have discovered the holy grail (for me) of music, and it is called Minneapolis Beatles Project. An album of artists from Minnesota all performing Beatles songs. Odd for me because I normally dislike Beatle covers. I am blown away, however. My favorite track is Strawberry Fields Forever by Ice Palace. One of my favorite bands at the moment because after hearing SFF, I searched their music on lastfm. Holy love.

Short Friday notice, but nonetheless, a notice. As Conan would say, "Stay cool, my babies." Man, I miss Conan.

Currently listening to: Thoughts/Facts–Ice Palace

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