But, then he made a list of artists that he lists as, "I don't really listen to any of these bands music, but I respect the fact they're making it." Half of the artists he claims as being in his top 25 best albums or songs are on this list. Am I the only skeptical one? I mean, I guess someone can suggest an album but if someone suggests The Antler's Hospice to me, I do not want it to be because someone told him it was a good album. I want it to be someone who knows their music and wants others to love it too.
That being said, I highly suggest Hospice. It is one of the most well put together albums I have heard.
Seeing as it is almost August and I have about 18 days to prepare myself for physical death via sprinting, I will reward you children with my top 10 songs to INSPIRE.
(Disclaimer: these songs may or may not inspire you or anyone you know. They have been known to inspire when used correctly, however).
10. Voyager – Daft Punk
9. Trashcan – Delta Spirit
8. Hang On – Guster
7. Daylight – Matt & Kim
6. Sleeping Lessons – The Shins
5. Journey of the Fearless – Cloud Cult
4. Let Forever Be – Chemical Brothers
3. This Too Shall Pass – OK Go
2. Strawberry Swing – Coldplay
1. Harmonium – Rogue Wave