Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Little Friend

Little Friend, Little Friend, what are you doing?
–flying around making such a ruckus and commotion.
your little wings make tiny pops as you collide
with the glass that will always keep me confined.

Little Friend, Little Friend, where are you going?
–do you not love me? I promise to love you forever and keep you warm.
Do not go outside, where it is ugly and will cause you harm!
Where cold will devour you,
encase you,
and squander you.

Little Friend, Little Friend, it is okay.
–I will not force you to stay.
Your wings have taken their final crack,
and have left the glass with a final pop.

Little Friend, Little Friend, you are already gone
–but, I hope you visit often instead of none.
I will miss your red shell,
and await your appearance in Spring.

For my ladybug friend.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Opposites

I'm not supposed to be sad. Because it is the opposite of happy. But then why do people cry when they laugh too hard? I think being sad is important. It makes you appreciate what you love and have. It makes you want to change, and be better. It makes you want to be happy. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to cry. It's okay. There's a time for everything. And I'm sad. But I will be happy. I want to be.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A right reason to write

My brain has blocked out everything,
all I can do is write.

I write because I see you,
my words become an image.
It's the only image I have left,
My brain has blocked out everything

I write I write I write
I write because I am there.
I write because it isn't
Then nothing is there.
I write because I see arms around my slender waist.
I write because I see you smile
I hear your voice.
I write because I don't have to
I write because I want to

I write the colours in the sky
I write the red
I write the green
I write the chords
I write the words
I write because you are there–
Smiling bright!
I write because it is right
I write because I see the kiss
I write because I see the hand reaching
I write because there is no pain...this time
I write because I am not alone.
I write because I am alone...this time.

I write because I love
but i can't remember if it's a verb or noun.
I can't remember anything.
I can only write.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I've pillowed you so many times this week,
Close eyes, open, close again, forget and fall asleep.
The dark seeks dark

Coca Cola Thoughts

where do you look for love? what do you do when it stings? where do you go when you're completely lost? why did that potato chip taste like pastrami? why are people mean to those they love? why are people ungrateful? why am i stuck? how do I do this? what do i do if i can't do this? how do i make this fear go away? how do i pretend? how do i get the courage? is it okay to be a coward? how do i feel okay? who do you turn to when there's nowhere to go? will this pain cease? what I ask my coca cola every day.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I don't know. Monday?

I was going to write a rant about how stupid the Grammys are, but I found this and find it more positive, and, well, awesome. I wish I had Neil Gaiman for my graphic novels class in college. :P

Monday, February 4, 2013

Airport Monday

Apparently there's a theme to all of my blog posts. But...this:

1. I love airports.
2. I love airplanes
3. This song reminds me of my flight home and just feeling lost and scared, but then looking out the window and seeing TCF field and crying with happiness.

Not all who wander are lost, right?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

British Night

British pub, music, cider, food. What could be better? And, I might be biased, well, incredibly biased, but, British music is the best. And an entire night of British music was just what the doctor ordered.

Put on by Jake Rudh, a DJ at the Current, I <3 UK (A Night of UK sounds from the 60s to today) was an evening of mismatched British music spun together spanning the decades and sub-genres. And from Manchester to London, every inch of Britain was represented–there was Bowie, the Beatles, the Animals, the Cure, the Smiths, Depeche Mode, the Stones, and, yes, even the Spice Girls. But what perhaps was the most fun was seeing the various generation's faces lighting up when the music they grew up with was played. My personal favourites were dancing to the Animals, as I imagined myself as a youngster growing up in the 60s, and going to concerts and hearing Eric Burdon's voice. Even dancing to the Smiths was wild. It was like I became Morrissey. And I too was a tall, long-legged Mancunian. SO GREAT.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Glitter Glitter

Normally, I would dread a snowy evening. And, at first, I did. As I walked the usual 10 minute walk to my car, I slipped and slided trying to catch my balance. But when I looked more closely at the snow, it lightened my heart just a little bit. It was glittery–like sequins on a dress. It was so spectacular. I thought God must be having a disco night in heaven, or something. It gave me the strength to sit at a nearby coffee shop and think. Although it really hurts, I'm glad for today.

Here's to enjoying glitter snow and lattes: