Friday, May 25, 2012

I really don't feel like writing anything.
My fingers hurt as I type.
But not physically.
It's like the pressing of the buttons sends a signal to my brain.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

4 years of what?

It's been awhile since I have posted–almost half a year, actually. Well, that's okay. In 3 days I will be just another citizen in the world with a bachelor's degree in English, and a certificate in International Journalism. Whooptie-doo. But now I get to do what I love again. Sit at home, alone, and listen to music. Did I really need to go through 4 years of college for that? I guess so! I got to write an article I am really proud of for the CIJ program. It's graded, which always makes me nervous because writing is so subjective anyway. What I like, you might not like. And what some strange woman I barely know might not like what I write. But I hope so. I got to write about the cool music scene Minnesota has. I interviewed a few bands, and talked to someone at the Current, who used to work at City Pages. She is my hero. What she does it exactly what I want to do, so I feel like it actually is doable. 4 years of people telling me I couldn't do it, and I have met and actually talk to someone who does it. So, don't tell me what I cannot do, world. The article I wrote made me really appreciate the Current, too. I had always had mixed feelings about the station, but just the fact that we have a public media outlet that isn't just concerned with ratings and money is cool. I mean, they're not completely obvious to the money aspect of their endeavors, but they are a lot different than a commercial station. And, sometimes, I forget that. Minnesotans are lucky. Not just for the Current, but for MPR, too. I love Minnesota, and I think it did take 4 years of college to realize that. So, wow, Minnesota. We're pretty cool. Currently listening to the most random thing ever: