I thought that 2011 would be a dry spell of music, since 2010 saw the release of so many brilliant artists and albums. Of course I'm always wrong. 2011, in my opinion, has seen some of the most beautiful work that has been issued, and as I try and transition from my English life, these artists/albums have blended those memories into a strange solution but also have eased the pain of such a flux life. But more so than that, they have begun constructing and nursing new memories.
1. Bon Iver – Bon Iver

Bon Iver's music is the kind that nourish your mind and soul, while also simultaneously being an aid for the aches and pains of being young and naive. This album has been praised by publications after publications, and for good reason: It's good. The kind of good that lacks any flaws or imperfections; it's simply beautiful.
2. Release the Sunbird – Come Back to Us

I will shamelessly admit that I love Zach Rogue; he can do no wrong in my eyes. Release the Sunbird is a beautiful side project that snuck into my life at just the opportune moment. After seeing Rogue Wave 3 times last year, a drought, that I was in no way prepared for, was fast approaching. Now, I can put off that drought for a few more months.
Release the Sunbird has a slight different tint to it than Rogue Wave's music, though. It is reminiscent of Rogue Wave's earlier days when it actually was just Zach except now with some added on harmonizing vocals of Kate Long. Release the Sunbird gives off a vibe of warmth, while also being mellow and realistic.
3. Coldplay – Every Teardrop is a Waterfall EP

Coldplay conjures a myriad of connotations to my mind. I've never known a band that was either hated or loved – no in between. Which might seem reasonable if that hate were not generated by a false understand of Coldplay's abilities as a band. Clocks, Fix You and Yellow are all undoubtedly favourites at concerts, but they do not show the range of talent that comprises Coldplay. ETIAW is a taste of what's to come from Coldplay and demonstrates well the talent that Coldplay is capable of. But while going away from their more'traditional' sound, Coldplay is always paving the way for their future; crossing boundaries and lines as they go.